Thanks for taking time to visit my blog.
The little essays you find here are all about what shapes me, moves me, and sometimes confuses me.
I explore in my writing things that go wrong, things that are so right; love and loss and the moon and the stars and the smallest of things that make life so complex and wonderful.
The Emma Kate Collection, is all about the work in progress that is me and how no matter how shitty or fantastic I feel at any given moment there are still lessons to be learnt about myself, experiences to be inhaled deeply and golden flecked childhood memories to be thought about and protected with a big, giant hug.
Other times it may also be about finding small, quiet and beautiful moments in everyday life, or having an opinion on something I feel strongly about. This is also a very cathartic outlet for me – deeply entwined in grief after the unexpected death of my darling father who passed away suddenly in October 2013, leaving us all much too soon.
Grief has profoundly changed me in so many ways, and most surprisingly of all, in a positive way. I am more patient, kind, loving, appreciative of it all...even the hard times.
I hope you connect with my collection, seeing spots of your own lives, losses, family, childhood and fears and join me on this journey of working stuff out and trying our best.
I am also beginning to flex my long forgotten creative writing/ fiction muscles again, so some examples of my work can be viewed under 'The Creative' tab.
Emma Kate xx